
Creation of bees for the production of honey for commercial or leisure purposes.

How to extract honey from hives

Honey can be harvested in two ways: honeycomb or extracted honey.

Queen Bee Breeding

Without a queen bee, the hive does not work, this is due to her degree of reproduction, which can go up to two thousand eggs per day.


Beekeeping is the creation of bees for the production of honey for commercial or leisure purposes. It is not enough to have an interest for bees, a beekeeper needs good working conditions and a great deal of learning in order to progress professionally as well as increase the number of hives. It is always recommended to start with small steps and carefully. A hive doesn’t just give us honey, we can also extract pollen, produce royal jelly, propolis and more.

How to extract honey from hives

Honey can be harvested in two ways: honeycomb or extracted honey. The first one maintains exactly the natural form created by the bee keeping its nutritious and delicious value, however, this requires a lot of experience and proper conditions. The extracted honey, which is what we mostly make, is based, as the name says, on the extraction of honey from the combs. We select the honey frames that are ready for harvest, we remove the bees carefully as they are very defensive with their honey, revealing an aggressive posture. Then we transfer these frames inside, a place free of insects and bees, to extract the honey with a heated knife or our equipped tools.

Queen Bee Breeding

A bee colony is made up of worker bees, drones and only a single queen bee.

The queen bee can be accompanied by several workers and those are physically a little bigger comparing to the others bees. Without a queen bee, the hive does not work, this is due to her degree of reproduction, which can go up to two thousand eggs per day. The queen bee can live up to five years, while workers live between six to eight weeks.

To create a queen bee, it is necessary to remove the young larvae from a honeycomb and feed them with royal jelly while they remain in special containers designed for this purpose. Then, she is placed in reproduction frames for queen bees and she is born within a period of approximately 16 days. Then, she is placed in her hive, taking a few days to get used to the environment and start mating with several drones, in order to start the production of honey in the combs with its workers.