Guided tour

Come visit our apiaries and observe the bees in their natural habitat.

Visitors can have the opportunity to experience and learn about the entire honey extraction process, from its extraction to its packaging, they can learn facts about bees and the particularities of different types of honey.

During your visit, you will also have the opportunity to taste the different types of honey that we sell, namely Multiflora Honey and Incense Honey.



Experience in the apiaries

Come spend the day with us and feel like a true beekeeper.

We provide all the equipment to make you feel like a beekeeper for a day and live a unique and innovative experience.

During this activity, visitors will have the opportunity to select the frames that are ready to be picked, remove the bees and transfer them to the interior, then carefully remove the wax from the frame.

After this process, the frames go to the honey extractor and the pure honey flows in our jars.



Pollination Service

Comme and enhance the growth of your horticultural production with our pollination service.
Pollination is a natural phenomenon that occurs in different ways, depending on the plant. Bees are responsible for the largest share and do it during the collection of pollen and nectar from flowers.
Pollination is a complex biological process, intrinsic and specific to each plant species and variety. With this procedure, a series of biophysical and biochemical processes are triggered in numerous cells and tissues with very particular rates of development, structures, and functions.
The placement of hives in your production (1 to 2 weeks) enhances pollination, significantly increasing the final result of your harvest.